Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x
A wealth of infomation on breeds, colours and competitions.


 Upcoming Shows

Just come along and enjoy!!.

Schedules can be found under the "Schedules" tab

All dates for shows below are subject to change, but you will be updated.


2024 Show Dates

5th October    Hauraki-Piako Rabbit Club (Halloween Show)

5th  October   The Lop Rabbit Society of NZ in conjunction with Flemish Giant Club of NZ

5th October    Flemish Giant Club of New Zealand -  Hawkes Bay

19th October  Canterbury Domestic Rabit Association

19th October   RCNZ South Island Nationals

9th November Auckland Rabbit Club

7th December Canterbury Domestic Rabit Association

For more information contact the clubs directly, emails can be found in the info section under clubs & judges




The Rules For Showing 


  • Organisation of Shows 


The organiser of the show or their representatives shall: 

  • Be fully responsible for the carrying out and fulfilment of the show and general rules of the Council and the correct conduct of the show;
  • Be entirely responsible for the payment to winners of the advertised prize money;
  • Provide adequate penning for the exhibits;
  • Provide judging tables and a pair of scales for weighing exhibits;
  • Be authorised to refuse any entries provided valid reasons are given in accordance with all the Rules and Regulations of the Rabbit Council of NZ (Inc).
  • Provide a street address, contact name and phone number on the Show Schedule to facilitate consignment of road, rail and air stock. (Note: The onus is on the sender of stock to arrange collection, care and return of the stock);
  • Prepare judging books showing all pen numbers and class and special prize definitions but containing no information as to the identity or ownership of individual exhibits.
  • Ensure that all shows where challenge certificates are on offer, exhibits are checked in and out of the show by the use of their ring or ear number;
  • To appoint a judge or judges, a letter must be sent requesting them to judge a particular section or all of a show as appropriate.  The judges chosen must be acceptable to the RCNZ.  Judges must respond in writing o the request of an organisation wishing to engage them for judging, either accepting or declining the engagement.  Acceptance of any engagement by a judge will render the show organising body liable to pay the appropriate scale of judging fee as set from time to time by the Rabbit Council of NZ (Inc);
  • Advise the judge of the pen numbers of absent exhibits prior to the judging of each class;
  • Ensure that all exhibits bear an approved ear mark showing their pen number;
  • Ensure that no person gives the judge an indication as to the ownership of an exhibit not already placed; and that no attempt be made in any way to influence his/her awards;
  • Exhibitors attempting to or actually interfering with, annoying, molesting, influencing the judge or judges, or acting in a manner unbecoming, shall have their stock eliminated and shall be rejected and barred from the show.



  • Exhibition by Judges

 No person appointed to officiate as a rabbit judge at a show shall exhibit in: 

  • The rabbit section of that show, or
  • Another rabbit show held at the same venue on the same day in which there is a common award, or
  • In any section for other exhibits in which there is a common award with rabbits.  No person may exhibit in the rabbit section who is judging any section for other exhibits in which there is a common award with rabbits. 


  • Judges Failing to Appear 

Where a judge fails to keep his/her appointment, then the classed which should have been taken by him/her shall be judged by another judge who has previously been recognised by the Rabbit Council as a judge.


  • Examinations of Exhibits 

The judge must examine all the exhibits as numbered in his/her judging book, see that they are placed before him/her by the stewards and make awards as advertised or instructed by the Show Committee and provided the exhibit is worthy of an award.  In all varieties where their standards carry a weight disqualification or points penalty, the exhibits shall be weight by the judge before the Challenge Certificate’s and Meritorious awards are finally made.  


  • Disqualification of Exhibits 

The judge must disqualify any exhibit if he/she believes such exhibit is: 

  • Not in a fit condition of health to be judged and must disqualify any exhibit if he believes such exhibit is:
  • Exhibits sent off – should any rabbit be sent off for being in the wrong class i.e. Buck in Doe class or vice versa, wrong colour etc will be permitted to come out in other classes which it is entered provided it is eligible for those classes.
  • Has been excessively or improperly prepared for exhibition (oiled, powdered etc), or
  • Bears a ring or tattoo which is illegible, or is irregularly ringed or is
  • Older than the age limit for the class, or in a condition of advanced development than is generally considered satisfactory for an animal of the particular breed at the maximum age limit of the class.


A disqualified exhibit may not be brought out to be judged into any subsequent class in which it is entered.  No exhibit may be disqualified on weight grounds unless weight of the exhibit is established by weighing at the time of judging, and unless disqualification on eight grounds is recognised in the official Standard for the breed.