French Lop


Is a Lop breed by show class. Big in size. The biggest lops in NZ. Short coated and mainly bred for pets.


Ring Size H


Poorly muscles, lacking firmness, loose skin over hind legs. Body too long and/or lean. Head not sufficiently characteristic of the breed. Pimpled or damaged ears. Poor ear carriage. Crown not developed. Fly back coat. Bowed or splayed legs. Excessive white hairs in coloured exhibits, white tail in sooty fawn.









No maximum weight for adults or u/5 months.

1. Type – Massive, thickset and firm. The body should be short, broad and well muscled, with little visible neck. The line of the back rises in a curve to a well muscled rump which is short and well rounded. The chest is broad and deep providing curved sides where it meets the shoulders which are broad and strong. The front legs are thick, short and straight. The legs are short, strong, powerful and the hind legs carried parallel to the body. The tail is straight, strong and well furred. A small dewlap is permissible in bucks but is not favourable - dewlaps larger in does.

2. Head, Crown, Ears and Eyes:

Head - Well developed particularly in bucks. Good width between eyes. Full cheeks and broad muzzle are desirable.

Crown - The basal ridge of the ears should appear prominent across the top of the skull.

Ears - Should be broad, thick, well furred and rounded at ends. They should be carried close to the cheeks, giving a horse-shoe like outline when viewed from the front. The inside of the ears.

Eyes - Round and bright.

3. Coat - Roll-back, dense with plenty of guard hairs. Legs and pads to be well furred.

4. Condition - Condition to be firm and healthy.

5. ColoursAccepted Colours:

Refer to general colour descriptions with the exception of Broken.

For a full run down on points for judging please purchase a copy of the standards from RCNZ via contact us or from the order form in the Bulletin.