Jersey Wooly


Is a fancy breed by show class. Small in size. Long coated and mainly bred for pets.


Jersey Wooly

Ring Size B

Long or narrow body/midsection; narrow shoulders or hips; flatness over shoulder or hindquarters; pinched or undercut lower hindquarters; roughness over hips. Long or narrow head; pinched muzzle. Cut severely for lack of “wool cap” or “side trimmings”. Thin or poorly furred ears; poor ear carriage; scissoring. Extremely fine bone. Excessive under wool; very coarse or wiry coat; matted or webbed coat; erect coat. Cut severely for excessively soft or cottony coat in a senior. Limp, thin coat; severe moult; bare areas. Matted, webbed coats, giving the illusion of density. Choppy, uneven coat; short wool, resembling hair.


Animals exhibiting exceptionally long, narrow, rangy body type. Ears over 3 inches long; tassels on ears. Wool below the ankle joint. Wool shorter than 1 1/2 inches in length, excepting the underside.










  • General Type

Body - The body is to be short and compact, with depth to approximately equal width. The shoulders are to be of nearly the same width as the hindquarters. The midsection is to be well filled. Hindquarters are to be full and well rounded. The top line is to rise in a gradual curve from just behind the ear base to a high point over the loin, then to fall in a smooth curve to the base of the tail. NOTE – the body should be assessed by feeling and not by sight alone. The wool may alter the visual concept of the body type. Jersey Woollies shall be posed in their natural position to display a high head mount, thus accentuating the compact type and bold head. Jersey Woollies should not be stretched out or over tucked, as these practices will distort the desired conformation.

Head - The head shall be set high and close to the shoulders. The head shall be wide and short, beginning at the base of the ears, and carrying between the eyes to a well filled muzzle. The head shall be in balance with the body. When viewed from the side, the head shall appear short and bold; rounding from the ears and brow to a plane between the eyes and nose, then rounding at the muzzle and jowl. The head is to have “side trimmings” consisting of longer fur fibres along the jaw line, which blend smoothly into the body wool. It is to have a “wool cap” of short, dense wool from the ear base forward.

Eyes - Eyes are to be bold and bright. Eyes are to be the colour described in the individual variety.

Feet and Legs - Legs are to be sturdy and straight. Front feet are to have normal fur below the ankle. Hind legs may carry wool below the hock.


  • Wool

Texture - The coat is to have a greater proportion of heavier, thicker guard hairs than crimped under wool, producing a slightly coarse to coarse texture. Coat is to lie gently over the body, and to display a healthy lustre.

Density - The greatest density possible is desired, with respect to the correct texture. Density is to be uniform. Density is to be assessed by feeling as well as by blowing into the coat.

Length - A smooth outline, produced by uniform length of the longer guard hairs, is most important to form a uniform drape over the under wool, thus giving a flowing appearance to the coat. Ideal length is 3 inches. Wool on the underside of animal may be shorter. Minimum length of wool is 1 1/2 inches.

  • Colour

Refer to the General Colour Standard

Note- The Jersey Woolly coat is to exhibit “easy care” properties by virtue of the predominance of guard hairs. The coat should be full of life. Although the fibres may be spun, the coat should not be considered for commercial wool purposes.

For a full run down on points for judging please purchase a copy of the standards from RCNZ via contact us or from the order form in the Bulletin